Monday, 14 October 2013

Does life make us nihilistic?

I know.
It seems like a really serious topic - and it actually is.
But first we should give some definition what Nihilism is all about.
I am sure most of you do know. Lets ask wiki what she thinks about it though! :)


  • Philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningfulaspects of life.
  • Mostly nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism - argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or value.
  • Moral nihilists - morality does not exist, any established moral values are abstractly contrived. 
  • In some aspect, knowledge is not possible, or that reality does not actually exist.

The term is sometimes used in association with anomie to explain the general mood of despair at a perceived pointlessness of existence that one may develop upon realising there are no necessary norms, rules, or laws.

Now when we were all introduced lets move to the discussion.
(well, monologue more likely)

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Rest in peace & fly away

First of all I want to apologize that I was not very active.
Just too many things were happening at the same time and I am still fighting with them.
But do not worry, I am a strong person - and Nihilist from time to time, so I do not care :D

One of the things I love is flying - no matter if it is me in the airplane or a bird flying over me or just feeling a strong wind on the top of the hill.
I just love the feeling of freedom.
The title is suggesting something with dying, I know - do not take it too dramaticly :D
This post will mostly contain of photos from todays nice walk along the beach with some special flying features. I am not gonna say more - just want you to enjoy it.

And here is the song that is tightly connected to the title - actually, I have just copied it :D
It is a very special song for me and I really love it! <3

to see the photos you need to continue