Monday, 20 January 2014

A little bit of ART

Because I am being lazy now I will post just photos of pictures I made.
The technique is called encaustic - special kind of an iron plus special kind of a bee wax ;)
I do love it!
It is a relaxing thing to do and it looks brilliant! (if it works out :D)

So, here it comes! :)
If you see something special in the pictures just tell me in the comment section! ;)
Sometimes, there will be something hidden - sometimes it will be quite straight forward! xD

Lets begin with my most beloved that I´ve lost somewhere :(

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Japanese lesson number one

As you could already register I quite like Japan.
With most of its features <3

From kimono thru katana to their lovely language.
I will not lie to you - it probably is not the easiest language to learn.
But it is worth it - and usefull if you want to pay a longer visit to this beautiful islands <3

First, what you should know before starting is their two alphabets.
They are called kana - first one is called hiragana second one is called katakana.
(i love hiragana because it looks so artistic :D and katakana is usually used to rewrite words from other languages - like from English or Czech)

Before I will begin this lesson, lets have a look at lovely hiragana and strictly geometric katakana :D
(although they seem completely different they have the same rules with voiced series (not sure if i translated this correctly  but nevermind! :D ))

first, hiragana

secondly, katakana
(thanks goes to for a great charts! )
And now, lets learn!

Lets go to the beach!

Hello, everyone!
I hope you are doing great!
For me it is the end of the weekend - and for most of you as well :)
Then it will be work and work again.

But now, today was the first day in this new year I was on the beach - again!
Luckily, it was not freezing as I did suspect!
It was quite warm and sunny <3
Overall, it was beautifully breath-taking!

I will try to publish a first lesson of japanese today, but I am not promising that I will do that :D
I will try to - but that does not mean it will work out.

But now, lets enjoy some nice photos of the sea!
(can not wait to buy a proper camera and retake all the photos properly!)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Hi, people!

Because I am about to die due to no money because I am saving it all for my BJD ...
I am quite creative right now! :D
And because he is going to like kimono(s) I made him another kimono(ish) looking piece!
It still needs lots of work but it is nonsense to do it before Raphael is here.
I am already afraid it will be too small for him but ... lets see :D

So this quick post will contain mainly low quality photos with main model Rapunzel xD
(yep, she is probably half as tall as Raphi but it is always nice to see it "on" )
First, here is some Bad-ass Rapunzel after the first top kimono(ish) was taken off. :3

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What I would like to wear this spring/summer

Hello guys!

I do hope you enjoyed the last episode of Sherlock - I most certainly did! :)
But now back to the topic!
This list will be just hypothetical - but if anyone buys me one of these beautiful outfits I will not protest! :D
What does happen if you leave the newest print of Vogue Catwalk edit near me?
Of course I would go thru and probably fall madly in love with some bits.

Now, let me introduce my personal choices for this spring/summer!

And just before, this is my most favourite part from latest Sherlock:

Sunday, 12 January 2014

My life - I -

Hello, everyone!

It has been a whole week since I came back to England!
Many things happened - many did not.
From time to time it feels like it has been a century - but then there are times it feels like yesterday.
It is weird and hard to explain, but I am sure there are some people that can relate - somewhere, out there!

Tonights´ night is Sherlock´s night!
Just to begin with something more pleasant. (well, lets see what happens - maybe it won´t be pleasant - it won´t be pleasant for sure ... this is how they do it. Mister Moffat and Gatiss ... Still, we do love them - or at least I do :D)

So, before I write anything from boring stuff, just enjoy this short trailer for tonights´ Sherlock:

Sunday, 5 January 2014

New year - new lifestyle?

First of all I want to wish all the best in 2014!
May the force be with you! xD
I do hope you enjoyed holidays and survived without bigger problems or without killing anybody.
Not sure what you would like to achieve in the new year.
Usually, I am cynical when it comes to New Years resolutions.
But it might be better than giving up and do nothing about your life.

So, lets see what this year should be holding for me - and if you want to share, what it holds for you! ^__^