Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What I would like to wear this spring/summer

Hello guys!

I do hope you enjoyed the last episode of Sherlock - I most certainly did! :)
But now back to the topic!
This list will be just hypothetical - but if anyone buys me one of these beautiful outfits I will not protest! :D
What does happen if you leave the newest print of Vogue Catwalk edit near me?
Of course I would go thru and probably fall madly in love with some bits.

Now, let me introduce my personal choices for this spring/summer!

And just before, this is my most favourite part from latest Sherlock:

So, here it comes!

Celebrating flitters and everything that shines! (I am sure some J-rockers must be delighted - their style is going mainstream! almost for two year by now, but who cares :D )

(dress by Emilio Pucci)

Do you want to do some kind of sport but still be shiny as a star on the nights sky?
Then go for this outfit!
But be careful around cares cause they might reflect their own lights and hit you :D

(clothes by Emilio Pucci)

Now, back to black - because it is my second most beloved colour.

(both this stunning designs are by Isabel Marant)

One of my favourites! <3
Smart, has a statement, cool <3
What else could you actually want?
(by Lanvin)

And she is back!
Once again striking with lovely flowers that do not need water to make you blossom!
Lets get 3D in this new age and enjoy the flower-power!

(by Mary Katrantzou)

What will follow now are my favs that did not come from Vogue but I do love them - maybe even more than all of the previous ones <3 

It is not a secret or any kind of news that I do love h.naoto!
So, here comes his collection for 2014 - not all of it, just things I would wear :3

And now just random things I found while looking for the Vogue selection.
They are wort posting as well.

Lets start with a really simple one - I used to wear something very similar to that.
It is comfy, stylish and kickass! (and my style :D and kind of easy <3 )

(design by Mike Vensel)

Still staying quite dark but now far more complicated.
I know, does not seem as something you would wear in summer - but when it is still max 20 degrees during summer you actually can wear layers like this :)

(photo by Valerie Fujita)

Now, staying black but more noble.
Am i the only person that would wear this all the time? (probably not comfy to taky it to bed but ...)
And it also reminds me of Star Wars - not sure why though :D

(design by Gareth Pugh)
Hope you did like this post.
I know, there were not enough information.
It is just based on my taste and lack of it.
If you liked some of the designs would you mind to share your choice in comments?

I wish you a lovely day!

Murasaki <3


  1. Hi sweetie:)
    Lanvin is really nice, Katrantzou seems soo fresh :) And Vensel I would like to wear on my owm the most :)
    And what should wear Moriarty? :D :D

    1. Hi, darling! :3

      I just love the Lanvin one!
      It is formal but yet playful! <3
      And I am sure I would smell nice in one of the Mary Katrantzou dresses! xD
      (like a flowering field :D )
      You know, with Vensel - if I had my poncho here I could do that look.
      But it is back in Mongolia :D

      Moriarty could wear the Lanvion one - I do not know why :D
      Probably because he used to wear suits and he is such a big surprise!
      Therefore the big bow will be fitting! :D

  2. Well, don't know about the Emilio Pucci ones, but damn... those are some gorgeous clothes <3
    As for Sherlock... yeah, that was probably my favorite part too :D

    1. I would love to have them all! <3
      (or at least the h.naoto´s ones <3 xD )

      I read that you did not like the episode and I can see why.
      It was odd and different compared to all of the previous ones.
      But I still enjoyed it because it was complex and thought-thru.
      And it had one hella cute scene when Sherlock proposes <3 xD
      (not that anything like this would happen if it was not for the case :D )
      Now I know what to do when someone shots me :D

      and Jim is ... we do not need to talk about him, do we? :D


Comments are very welcome :3