Sunday, 12 July 2015


Hello everyone!
I has been a while, I know. I am very bad when it comes to determination and sticking up with the plan.
I wish I coulf get better but it might be a terminal illness!

Anyways, loads of things did change.
Most of them stayed the same ... which is the most annoying thing ever!
But here comes the Sun ... I mean BJDkingdom´s monthly photo challenge!
This months´ topic was Addiction :)

I hope you will enjoy my photos and any comment would be nice! :)
Now, lets move!!!
At first you might be feeling that everything is in your hands and under control.
Life might seem like a good place to be and all worries seem so far away...

But then something starts to happen - booze is disappearing!
No matter how hard you try in your mind it makes no sense.

Then things move much faster.
Just the stupid spin of the planet Earth makes you dizzy!

Things get dull.
Edges softer.
Table the most stabile thing in the known Universe.

Surroundings appear lifeless and everything loses its colour.

There is more realities.
And suddenly, you can see them all.

After all ... Nothing makes sense anymore ...

(That was alcoholism with Kanrei as a model. He has problems himself ... but he is not prepared to face it or even admit it ...)

Some creatures are so perfect they want everything just the same way.

"My gear needs to be spotless otherwise I am not gonna touch that!"

"If the shine does not try to kill you, you have to polish more!"

"I said MORE!"

"I just wonder what my life would be without this cloth!"

"If I won´t polish it today is it gonna hunt me at night?"

"Is there a better life at the other side of the mirror?"

"What do you think, my best buddy?" Raphael
"He is crazy. I should run away." Windows cleaning spray

"Stay in line or I will throw you into fire you stupid pencils!"

"If I can not see your full name I will explode!"

(Raphael as an OCD freak. He likes thing certain way but is not very obsessed.)


Some life questions are hard to answer ...

Sometimes even high end technology does not help.
Even if you know 42.

Sometimes science is much prettier than drawings.
And looks much more like it as well.

Sometimes there is just not enough information.

The need to know-it-all will keep you in a cage.
The length of your stay is up to you.
You might give up or win.

There is so many sources that one does not know where to look.

It is easy to get lost and give up.

But then you are not really obsessed about knowing it all.
Knowing it all is a never ending quest.

There is so many things you can wonder about.

For example, why is Batman ballet dancing?
(Raphael as a knowledge thirsty nerd. He already knows it all but likes to find out what silly tiny humans do think. He is obsessed with Batman because he is just a human ...)


Some obsessions are wide spread and "accepted".
Latest example of that are selfies.
We took ours while photoshooting the other projects.
On all of them Kanrei or Raphael did press the button and actually took the picture.
Text is in czech so I am gonna translate it from top left down :
1.) Kanrei:"Photo with maids ... Muhaha!"
2.) After a long, hard work day!
3.) Raphael: "Super posh toilet brush!"
4.) Kanrei: "Raphael, you are too old to be photobombing my selfies!!!"
5.) Kanrei: "I am an angel - this photo proves it!"
6.) Kanrei: "BOOZE!"
7.) Raphael: "Just hanging around with my BFF Kanrei! <3"
8.) Raphael: "Help! I am turning into Einstein!"

Some people are power hungry and nothing can make them happier than bossing everyone around!

(Kanrei as a dictator of everything brainless! xD The thing is that this is exactly him! He is a power hungry, boa wearing tyran. If it is not his way it will blow up with nukes!)

I hope you liked at least something and I wish you all the best!
with love


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