Thursday, 7 January 2016

Sleep over at Erizu´s

Hello everyone :)

Many things did happen. So many that I probably should make a whole post about it xD
But this one is just about BJDs and my (and Raphael´s) stay at my friend´s place while we were in Prague just before Christmas <3

So, be ready for photo overload.
And just, btw, I hope you had a very lovely Christmas and now are walking this new year in a good direction!

Raphael does not pay attention, Belial tries his luck and Meijun has a bitch face on xD

I am very sorry for most of these photos, because I am aware they are not the best quality and the setting is not optimal as well but ... I do not care that much xD
Look at this band of different characters!
Faolan is going to be a hairdresser xD

Because Rozenn is just perfect!

With more colour in her cheeks xD

Sebastian: "I have heard that if you cross this carpet barier you will get to the Spoiler kingdom! Lets go now!"

And then ... someone stole my babyboy!!! xD
And that someone used his cluelessness xD

No matter how this looks like ... Raphael just wanted to know what shampoo MeiJun uses xD

MeiJun just likes his cheekbones ... not bad taste, boy!

Raphael: "You are beautiful as well, you do not need those cheekbones! You have got perfect hair and everything!" xDDD

MeiJun: "He is my, bi**h!" xD

and then it got serious ... with waltz! xD

Belial: "I was here first! MeiJun is all mine!!!"
I think your shirt tells us a different story ...
And MeiJun does whatever he wants xD

Faolan: "I want to be on this photo as well!"

Rozenn: "Where is the bus stop?" 

Sebastian: "Everyone, look at me! I am that big!"

And now ... High school inspired photos! xD

Faolan: "I am cool enough to pull this off!"

Rozenn is just perfect!
(Did I already say that? xD)

Rozenn: "Please, where is that bus stop?"

Rozenn: "Ok, I will walk, you bastards!"

bye bye!

Sebastian: "I am the king!!!"

Sebastian: "Look at me! My clothes do match the background!" 

He is just adorable ... do not tell him xD

Belial: *get me out of here*

Belial: *still waiting to get out*

Ehm ... I will not comment them two again xD

Group photo even with Kanrei - not sure if he likes it xD

Belial: "I know, it is not your fault. MeiJun likes good looking people, lets be friends!"

Ehm, but poor Raphael thought that MeiJun´ s behavior was normal ...
So I do not think he and Belial will be friends xD

On the other hand, Belial did not punch him in the face xD

Chilling on the armchair. Belial is happy because MeiJun stayed with him now xD

Rozenn: "Stop talking nonsense, Sebastian! Nobody knows who that L is so why should they care that he *spoilers* died?!"

Yes, I have got him!

*looking to the right ... looking to the left*
Kanrei: "Which way should I roll off?"

Ehm, Kanrei hates me now ... and I am not even surprised xD

Kanrei: "Kill me, kill me NOW!"


Next morning, Raphael realized there was a kid at the party last night.
And he loves kids (without any bad double meaning)

But he found out THAT kid is not a normal kid ...
And put him back on the floor very quickly - but gently xD

So, that is all for now.
I know I should post far more and I will try!
Maybe ...

I hope you enjoyed that and have a lovely weekend soon <3



  1. " do not need those cheekbones! You have got perfect hair and everything!" Raphael is so great at comforting people xDD
    And why exactly is Rozenn looking for bus stop? xD to get out of this crazy place? xD

    1. Well, he was trying his best, you know ...
      He likes MeiJun, as a hug friend xD so he wants to be nice to him and MeiJun was playing tricks on him all night xD
      Rozenn just wanted to go on an adventure ... or maybe you are right, maybe she had enough of them xD


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