I think this is the second and the last post from my University - after that things stopped being funny xD
But I was always interested in science and technology, so I am sure there will be more posts on this topic.
It probably just won´t be funny xD
So, here we go - enjoy the last bits :)
"Nowadays, it is not such fun - you can not drink ammonia by the chance now."
"It is impossible without the core!" in Alternative sources of energy seminar when we were talking about the future of energetics.
"Recent enegetics has many BUT!"
"We can not change the mind of heart-believers!" about the core (nuclear energy) because soon we will be able to make radioactive waste non-radioactive with magnetic pole (I think it was like that) and the nuclear energy will be even more ecological then now - but maybe we can not change the mind of people who do not want to see the true.
"The only non-core energy is the energy of tides - this is the energy of gravity!"
"Even after another 40 year solar energy will be just an additional source of energy."
"Renewable sources of energy are beautiful - but they make energy more expensive."
"Today we are going to pay dearly for the photovoltaic boom in our country!"
"... and from 15th to 20th year you profit." - about a pay-back of having a photovoltaic mini-power-station
"On the Equator there are equatorial storms!" when we should think about where is the best place to build solar colectors ... and no, it is not Equator - it is south and north coast of Africa.
"Almost everyone has Sun today."
"I know that nowadays you have problems with yourself, so I am gonna stop it there."
"That was not supposed to spook you - that was supposed to show you that we have many things you can study."
"If you have to choose go to the match seminar."
"I am not gonna bully you if I can not see you at any of my seminars."
"If the problem is me personaly you can go for a seminars that are taken by my collegues."
"What? Are you afraid already?"
"When you study chemistry the chemistry is the important subject." (someone should tell me that earlier :D )
"Boys are a little bit militant."
"Chemistry is an element of everything - even you are chemical object!"
"You will understand the life itself and what is happening around you."
"Do not buy a new furniture for your kids made of chipboard!"
"Do not buy scented pillows!" you will get a cancer
"Child is a tumor - but you should not say that."
"Two blackboard rubbers! That is like a stereo!"
"Nothing like multiplication - just nyunk!"
It just makes you realize that some people really ARE like Sheldon from Big Bang theory.
Not like I did not know that already - my sister was working at Academy of science so I know many geeks.
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