Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Women philosophers?

I am attending a group of philosophy in Liverpool.
It is lots of fun and you can meet tremendously interesting people. At least I had. :)
Topics vary from "Future of genetics and the moral impact on society" thru "Authority and its concept" to "Are we living in a multiverse?". Everyone can find something of their own concern. I love it all.
Another good point is that most of the people are not a real "philosophers".
They are usually clever in a different, usually scientific, way and discussions can get even more edgy.
Overall it is a brain training.

And for me it is a great pleasure because I love to listen to a proper English. xD
Of course it is a way to meet new people and possibly make some friends. Plus get smarter.

We have a meeting tomorrow and the topic is "Why there are so few of women philosophers?"
This article will show my views on this problem and I would love you to engage in comments if you have some thought and a minute to spare. :)

So, lets do it!

Over the centuries there surely were some women philosophers. But I am sure it was a lot less than men part. History changes from day to day - every aspect of our life is "trying" to be up-to-date.
There is still something missing in the numbers though. When I think about it I can not think of any women philosopher. We had hundreds and hundreds of women humanists that tried to actually make a difference.
They worked for here and now (more like there and then) and they´ve been practical.
For example mother Teresa -she changed many fifes for better, was engaged in what she was doing and loved it. Her life was like a philosophy a little bit. But we would not say she was a philosopher.
She was more of a liver than thinker. She felt for others.
Then we have Mary Shelley that I love. Her drama Frankenstein can pin out what could happen if we try to play gods. It had got social issues in and deep thoughts. Nevertheless would you say that Mary was a philosopher or just a talented writer?
Please, if you know about some women philosophers I would love to know. So, let me know, please.:)

  • The philosophy is a playground only for men!
Before feminism became a part of a daily life women did not have so many rights. Not like nowadays it is fifty:fifty but it is better without a doubt. So, when Aristoteles was saying all of his wise quotes most of the women of his age would be mothers at home. They did not have a time to think in between children raising and cooking for the husband. There were some exceptions from the rule like Cleopatra or Catherina the Great. But the few of them with some power did not contribute to philosophy so much. It is probably just recently, like 100 years, when the women party is getting some atention and power. But it grows slowly and most women are staying practical.

  • We feel - you think!
Just a brief point - Men love to think about abstract ideas more than women.
We are speaking generally - of course there is some woman in every city that has half-man-thinking.
But majority just can not be bother with theories. Life is about to be lived not wasted in a room with a notepad. (Haha, sounds like me)
Do not take me wrong - I love philosphy, I love abstract ideas, I love thinking outside the box and I am a woman. But I am not a regulal one.
On the other hand - is not it funny to think that women are more practical than men? xD

  • You can not be serious, woman!
Another problem caused by aeons of men power over the more fragile part of society.
They do not take women seriously enough to really believe that what women say can actually make sense on a academical field. Today we can chose the same education like men. So we can achieve the same level of knowledge. But most of them will still see the person that should stay at home and cook.
Maybe they are just afraid that we won´t need them anymore so they want to take our confidence away.

  • Being a scared cat.
Point seriously close to the one above. It is greatly connected.
After your confidence was taken even if you have a higher level of knowledge you just stay quiet.
Being a scared cat when it comes to show your potencional is not a good personal trait.
Ladies, believe in yourselves more, please! :)

  • I just want my nails done!
Unfortunately consumerism is a religion of today. This point is aimed at everyone. Even me.
After being bombarded with all the fascinating products we just can not keep calm.
We want all of it - right now, no matter how much debt it will call upon us.
If it can show off on the streets the better!
We are so overwhelmed by flashing colours and stuff we really need to survive that we forget to think.
I am not saying that I am different. I am saying this is a modern "black-death".
In my case, I at least know that I should do something with it. If you think you do not have this problem then I envy you - or you are lying to yourself.

  • Lets do it tomorrow!
Procrastination is another global disease. Almost everyone you know has got it, believe me.
If your friends are not just workoholics they are surely at the other end of the scale.
Everyone has so much time to surf and say "I will look at this tomorrow".
And there is always some tomorrow so at the end of your life there won´t be any work done.
Because this is a global problem even the ladies are suffering from it.
Maybe we have great thoughts that would change the view of the whole world.
Maybe if there was not one million of things to look at on the internet the world would be a different place.
Maybe we will change it tomorrow ...

I hope you enjoyed it.
It is not perfect, I surely forgot about important bits and my English is not the best one as well.,
But I tried - and I promised myself to finish it today. (otherwise I would not go to bed - and I love sleeping!)
As already was said - I would love to read your ideas and comments.
So if you can spare some of your valuable time and share your mind :3

Good night now, Universe!

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