Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Termini of infinity

We are living on a planet that is somewhere called Universe - at least we think so but who can be sure.
And this place is supposed to be really big - some says it is so huge it has no end.
But is not this a really hard concept for our brain to absorb?
On the other hand, can you imagine that there would be some end of our Universe?
What would be on the other sideof this end? If nothing, how does this nothingness look?

Lets talk about this issue and practise our little grey cells, shall we?
“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.” 

I am sure most of you know who said (well, wrote) this. He is one of my favourites writers.
Douglas Adams was extraordinary in a ordinary way he wrote all of his books.
What you will read in Hitchhiker´s guide to the galaxy is everydays life stories.
It is just a lot more funnier! :D (and a little bit of science fiction, but mostly purely social psychology)
So, probably nobody can give you an aswer on how big is the Universe.
Some people may say it is somewhere really near to 14 billion light years. This someone would believe in Big Bang and would say that it started from a really dense but small point in nowhere. So, when we think about it this way - What has a beggining must has the end as well. And we are not just talking about the end of time or so. It must have an end of space as well although it is expanding - there still must be some point where it ends and there is nothing else. But what is this "nothing else"? And how could Big Bang happen anyway? Did it start from nowhere, without anything being there before, or did the possibility existed all the time?

I am sure there is no other explanation than Big Bang that I would be able to accept.
And this definition makes Space finite.
It might be really far far away and we won´t be able to reach the end, probably.
For instance, if we would believe that Space is expanding (which I do believe) it would mean that we can not reach its end for really easy reason - we can not be faster than light! (at least not now - and probably ever)
When we "know" that there is some end of this space we are part of, how it does look and what it would feel like if we pass the end? If it is possible at all. (probably is not)
Would we find ourselves at the "beginning" of the Universe after the end bit of it?
Or maybe there would be another Universe waiting there for us.

There might be so many alternatives - just chose one for yourself.
Every pick is as correct as the other one cause, be serious, what we really know?
Probably not much, really.
And anyway - there still will be one question left even when we know if there is any end of this Space.
How has it all started? 
Even if there was something all the time or something was just created out of nothing - how did it happen?
Someone said that Universe is alive just when there is just some intelligence that can comprehend it.
But can we really? Or is living our lives the best we can get? (not like it is not enough, but it is not understanding the Universe at all)

Ok, I am sorry for all the nonsense I wrote tonight but I could not stop it.
My points might not be correct so if you know better please let me know in comments.
I would really like to know your views so if you can share it with us (probably just me) I would be grateful! :)

See you soon, guys! 

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