Sunday, 15 September 2013

When to love is not an option

First of all, I would like to apologize for not writing anything for such a long period of time.
I was not really busy or anything, I was just lazy as usual.
That is why I have to say sorry and be ashamed of myself xD

Today, it will be mostly just about my problems and bla bla bla but I am sure that some of you will be able to relate their stories as well.
Almost everyone was in love - at least once in their lifetime.
Some of us all in love all the time - usually platonic.
There are always this beautiful platonic loves you are not even trying to work out just because you know they can not be real - for example "loving" an older japanese guy that is married?!
You can always look at them and admire, sometimes blush when you talk to them, but if you have something called conscience and brain you won´t try to kiss them :D (you do not want to make a fool of yourself after all, or do you?! )
But then there are times when it is too hard to prevent yourself from falling for someone.
And sometimes it can be too deep to get easily back on your feet.

I suppose that by now you know what a hopeless case I am.
One of my personal traits is that I can always find something good about everyone!
Everything around me and also everyone is original and beautiful.
It makes me fall for people pretty easily and this is not a good thing.
Shyness and this combined? Broken hard before anything starts guaranteed.

When I still lived in my country I tried to live my dream as well.
Do what I like, try to be a singer, hang out with my friends. Not thinking too much - it can kill all the fun!
But there was someone I really cared about from the very beginning. Someone I never said to how special they were to me. The person was not perfect - actually the person had many issues but I loved them anyway.
Always was there for them, trying to do everything to make them happier and admired them.
But then everything had broken into pieces. Just because of one silly thing everything I was trying to build was lost ...
The most painfull part of it all was that I was the only one hurt.
I still miss this person but I am too proud to do anything about it.
And I am not in the same country anymore ...
Although all kind of messy stuff happened I still have feelings for this person.
It is not a love (at least not anymore) - but it is probably loss. Part of my heart/life lost.
And it can not be replaced.

So to more recent crushes ...
For me, when I find out that someone is married this is a stop sign for me. And it works for me.
I am happy for person that they are happy with someone else and I can move on.
But what if you know that your crush is single but at the same time not a good deal for you?

Lets say:

  • too young/too old
  • too weird/too normal
  • too academical/too "basic"
  • too tall/too short
  • too old-fashion/too trendy
  • not with the same interests/everything matches (sounds boring)
there is always some obstacle when it comes to me and people I like.
This guy I like right now - my logic is saying what I should do.

"Not even trying before someone gets hurt.
 He is not a guy for you!
 Just forget about him!"

But do we ever listen to this voices in our heads that are saying the truth and nothing else than truth?
Or do we always have to find it out on ourselves and the hard way?
Is better to do a mistake or regret not doing anything?
Is better to try or to give up?

In my case, I really do not know.
If it was my friend I probably would be able to help her out.
Would say all the things that are truth, let him go away and find someone more appropriate.
But when it comes to ourselves we can not help it. We can not stop ourselves.
And for me it is regretting not doing anything that is worse.

Would love your oppinion if you can spare a minute :) 

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